What kind of books do teenager like to read?

This is my first blog entry in English. I want to improve my English. I'll try to write simple sentences, but nobody is perfect - errors will occur.

"Berts gesammelte Katastrophen" is the book I actually read to the 5th graders. They hang on every word and even beg me to read another chapter. 
The book has a similarity to "Gregs Tagebuch" - "Diary of a Wimpy Kid", because it is written in form of a diary. The "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" is a highly demanded book series in our library.
I always encourage the pupils to use "Antolin", which is a web-based reading promotion program.

Some advantages of Antolin:
  • promotes reading
  • can be used at school or at home
  • increases the reading motivation 
  • fosters the understanding of the text
  • offers evaluation tool
  • is well suited to differentiate the reading level
  • offers quiz questions for more than 50.000 books 
  •  helps the teacher to check the pupils reading development


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