The entertaining role of the TV in the days of my childhood and nowadays.

When I was a child we liked to see entertaining TV programs, like children nowadays do. Educational programs were only accepted if they were entertaining at the same time. When I was a kid, I liked to see cartoons, like ‘Popeye’, ‘Tom and Jerry’, Eine fröhliche Famile’, ‘Mila - Superstar’, ‘Polonia’, Die Gummibaerenbande’, ‘Ducktales’, etc and Disney movies like ‘The beauty and the beast’, ‘Arielle – the little meremaid’ and so on.
I also liked watching ‘Löwenzahn’, ‘Lila Laune Baer’, ‘Siebenstein’, ‘Logo’, ect.
The first ones I mentioned had only one purpose to entertain us. The last one tried to educate us in an entertaining way, but if I had to choose between my favourite cartoon series and them, I would have gone for the cartoon. “Mariann Winnick, Professor of Education, and Charles Winneck, Professor of Sociology, working in a study with about 300 children aged two to fifteen, found that cartoons represented 43 percent of the programs watched. Situation comedies accounted for 20 percent of this sample’s viewing, while educational programs accounted for only 18 percent. [...] In two of our studies we found that elementary school-aged children rarely watch educational programs on public television, [...] (Singer, 1981, p.49)

Children today are not different from our generation, even they would consider the old cartoons as too boring and old fashioned, they’re choice would been the same.


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