Teaching English: Question & Answer session with Dr. Rod Ellis part 3

"It is one thing to understand a grammar rule. It is entirely another to be able to actually use that grammar rule correctly, particularly in communication."

explicit L2 knowledge
"Explicit L2 knowledge is the knowledge of rules and items that exists in an  analysed form so that learners are able to report what they know. Explicit L2 knowledge is closely linked to metalingual knowledge. It contrasts with implicit knowledge" (Ellis, 2008, S. 962).

implicit instruction
"Implicit instruction is directed at enabling learners to infer rules without awareness. It contrasts with explicit instruction, in that there is  an absence of externally-prompted awareness of what  is beeing learned" (Ellis, 2008, S. 965).

implicit L2 knowledge
"Implicit knowledge of a language is knowledge that is intuitive and tacit. It cannot be direcly reported. The knowledge that most speakers have of their L1 is implicit. The study of lingusitic cpmpetence is the study of a speaker-hearer's implicit  knowledge" (Ellis, 2008, S. 965).

implicit L2 learning
"Implicit learning is typically defined as learning that takes place without either intentionality or awarness. It can be investigated by exposing learners to input data, which they are asked to process for meaning and then investigating (without warning) wether they have acquired  any L2 linguistic properties as a result of the exposure"(Ellis, 2008, S. 965).

Ellis, R. (2008). The Study of Second Language Acquisition: OUP Oxford.


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