Attachment in the Classroom

Einige Inhalte aus dem Buch "Attachment in the Classroom: The Links Between Children's Early Experience, Emotional Well-being and Performance in School" von Dr. Heather Geddes finden sich unter diesem Link:

Auszüge aus dem verlinktem Dokument:

Boston and Szur comment that ‘it makes a deal more sense of the seemingly
unreasonable behaviour of many … children if one bears in mind that they are
often doing to others what they experience as being done to them, both externally
and internally’ (Boston and Szur 1983,p.3).

Violent reactivity and fear and helplessness can be closely linked (de Zulueta

Memories do not remain in the past but become actions in the here and now.
Behaviour is a communication and understanding the meaning of behaviour can
be an invaluable tool when considering interventions. (siehe Link: Hedges & Hanko 2006, S. 7)

Boston,M and Szur,R. ‘(1983) Psychotherapy with Severely Deprived Children’
Routledge Kegan Paul.
De Zulueta,F. (1993) ‘From Pain to Violence: The Traumatic Roots of
Destructiveness’ London: Whurr


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